2016 m. rugpjūčio 30 d., antradienis

Fish, fish and again fish!

I guess i have a new/old passion or some kind an addiction.I used to draw something all my life. At school i used to do that at the margins of my notebooks or on the tables and benches (It sound like vandalism but drawings were small so i think the harm to the public property wasn't so big). After school my life was connected with creative activities ( i guess i'm an artist) and now it become more than hobby. Well at least i would like so it would be.I have noticed that i can't stop drawing fish. Everything started from an idea to participate in our town festival which is called sea festival. I live in a port town Klaipėda so every year we have this festival and every year there are huge fair or mart in the center of the old town. So about a half year ago before that festival i decided to make a collection of fish art and participate. Idea wasn't bad but main problem was that i had to work my usual work and had less free time to work with my art. Anyway i tried and tried but still there wasn't enough time to prepare. so i had to cancel my creative thoughts and left it for the future. But thing is that i haven't stopped to draw fish. Even if i don't have specific ideas about that festival i still do art of fish.  That is possible that i have mane ideas how to portray those maritime residents and i will do so until my head will be empty. SO we will see when it happens...

There i have started sixth painting from my fish collection. I know it look quite simple at the start
but further when adding more and more layers of paint it becomes much more interesting  and some kind natural. I prefered graphic art so i guess it reflects in my works because it is not just painting but i try to make bright sharp thin lines, dots or just other shapes and usually do that not with brush.

I like to draw in messy way. After many chaotic brush strokes i start to see something that i like and then i start to work much more concretely at many places of the painting.

And finally got the result, fully finished another fish in my collection. Maybe soon i will publish more of my art. Just need to let them dry and the varnish to give more shine. I love glossy paintings because they look still wet and somehow "new". So patience patience patience...

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